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1.A Basic Drawing Concept of a Planting Plan for Diverse Crops in Natural Farming Methods
Teruo Taniguchi(Institute for Agro-Microbiology)
As the effect of food on human health is being well-known, and as the Japanese government implements organic farming related legislations, it is hopeful that organic farming methods meet the nation’s expectation. However, most of organic farmers who run a small scale operation have difficult time in making a profit. As the movement of consuming local produce locally becomes popular, it is indispensable to make an effective planting plan in order for them to succeed in their business. Research was conducted on the farms that run a natural farming operation in Aomori prefecture, to figure out how farmers organize their thought for drawing and carrying out the planting plan. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is used for a simulation. According to the simulation, it is clear that an ability of building a good planting plan is required for farmers: Farmers estimate the demand for lettuce for the new coming year based on past years’ data and many feedbacks from consumers and make a well-prepared and complicated planting plan, considering harvest periods, the quantities of seeds and seedlings, timing of seeding and transplanting, with subject to the land, labor, machinery, and tools.
Keywords: Organic farming methods, Consuming local produce locally, Diverse crop planting, Natural farming methods, Planting plan